Very light white-brown-ticked female who lives and hunts with us in Germany and Slovenia
Derby 1a Germany (all 4s/best dog of trial);
sichtlaut, HN - JGHV;
Saujager (DK-Verband);
HZP 196 points Germany (12 points behind living duck);
HD A1, ED 0, OCD free
Form: excellent (SLO) / V1
International Junior Champion;
European Dog Show 2023/Agria Winner in Denmark:
Reserve Junior Winner/V2/
Champion Quality/4th best female;
Junior Spring Winner BIH 2023;
Best Minor Puppy, Puppy BIS 3;
many CACs, J.CACIBs, CACIBs, J.BOBs and BOBs
Brynja has has had our E II-Litter.
Light brown-roan female who lives and hunts in Slovenia
PZP (VJP) 55/55 (without rabbit track);
Derby 1 (all 4s);
HZP 188 points;
Saujager (DLP)
Form: excellent (SLO)
Junior Champion of Slovenia;
Several CACs, J.CACIBs und J.BOBs; J.BIG1
Light brown-roan female who lives and hunts in Germany
Derby 1 (all 4s);
Solms 1 (all 4s);
Zuchtschau DK-Verband / Jugendklasse: SG
Brown-roan female who lives and hunts in Slovenia
PZP (VJP) 54/55 (without rabbit track);
HZP 184 points;
Saujager (DLP)
Solid dark brown male who lives and hunts in Belgium
Derby 1 (all 4s);
Solms 1;
VGP with 1.5 years: 2. Preis/ÜF/307
HD A, ED 0, OCD free
Zuchtschau DK Verband JK: SG2
Solid dark brown male who lives and hunts in Slovenia
Derby 1 (all 4s);
HZP 187 points;
Saujager (DLP);
HD A, ED 0, OCD free
Form: excellent (SLO)
Light brown-roan male who lives and hunts in Slovenia
PZP (VJP) 55/55 (without rabbit track)
HD A, ED 0, OCD free
Form: excellent (SLO)