IntCh (C.I.B.) Trisha Adin Dom
* 1.4.2017
PZP (VJP) 54
(without rabbit track),
Derby 1, JZP (HZP) 194, AZP 1 (all 4s),
VGP 1 (324/TF), Sezun Memorial 2,
regional water trial 1a, HN,
VSwP 20h 1a/winner of trial
HD A2, ED 0, DNA profile
Form: excellent (SLO) and V1 (Germany)
Ch-Int, ChJ-SLO, Ch-SLO,
many CACIBs and BOBs
Zarja Adin Dom
* 21.4.2020
PZP (VJP) 55
(without rabbit track),
Derby 1, Solms 1 (all 4s),
VGP1 (332/ÜF - 4x4h)
HD A2, ED 0, OCD free
Form: excellent (Slovenia) and V1 (Germany)
Int.JCh (C.I.B.J.) Brynja Adin Dom
* 02.03.2022
Derby 1 (Germany - all 4s/best dog of trial);
sichtlaut, HN (JGHV);
Saujager (DK-Verband);
HZP 196 points (Germany - 12 for living duck);
VSwP 20h 1a/winner of trial;
VGP 1 (334 P./ ÜF; 4h for nose, search and pointing)
HD A1, ED 0, OCD free
Form: excellent (SLO) / V1
International Junior Champion;
European Dog Show 2023/Agria Winner in Denmark:
Reserve Junior Winner/Champion Quality/4th best female;
Junior Spring Winner BIH 2023;
Best Minor Puppy, Puppy BIS 3;
many CACs, CACIBs, J.CACIBs and BOBs
IntCh (C.I.B.) Vigga Adin Dom
* 30.1.2019
Derby 1a (all 4s),
Solms 1 (all 4s),
Sezun Memorial 1b/RCACT/best female/youngest dog,
VGP 1a (336/ÜF),
VSwP 20 hours/1a (winner of trial),
VSwP 40 hours/1a (winner of trial),
Langschleppenprügung 800 meters,
HD A2, ED 0, OCD free
Form: excellent (SLO) and V1 (Germany)
DJCh, Alpenjugendsieger, Ch-SLO, IntCh (C.I.B.)
BIG 1 and 3, many CACIBs and BOBs
IntCh (C.I.B.) Reena Adin Dom
* 24.2.2015, DGStB 73598
PZP (VJP) 54
(without rabbit track),
JZP (HZP) 194, IKP1 (136),
local water trial 1a,
VGP1 (314/TF), HN,
state-certified mission cadaver search dog to fight African swine fever
HD A1, ED 0, DNA profile
Form: excellent
Ch-Int, ChJ-SLO, Ch-SLO, many CACIBs and BOBs,
BIS Junior
IntCh (C.I.B.) Rune Raidha Adin Dom
* 24.2.2015, DGStB 71315
Derby 1a (all 4s), Solms 1a (all 4s),
VGP1 (324/ÜF), SPoR
(blood tracking exam without judges/
1200 meters/20 hours),
Goldenes Hubertuszeichen Nr. 44
(SPoR and BTR passend on the same day),
state-certified mission cadaver search dog to fight African swine fever,
BTR Germany and AT, HN, VBR, sil
HD A1, OCD free, DNA profile
Form: excellent
International Champion (CIB);
DJCh, DCh, Alpenjugendsieger,
Annual Trophy Winner 2017,
many CACIBs and BOBs, BIG 2
Dorli Nebeška
* 8.1.2020
Wirehaired Istrian Hound - or:
our little experiment ;-)
Notlösung Corona-Spurarbeit JGHV:
Anlagenprüfung Bracken: 1a (164/164)
Form: excellent
Famose Elin zum Segeberger Forst
* 2.7.2021
Spinone Italiano
Derby 2/pointing 4h
HZP 193 (all 11s on natural traits)
HD-A, ED 0, OCD free, Ataxia N/N
ChJ-SLO, ChJ-Spain,
Champion of Slovenia,
Grand Champion of Slovenia,
Res. Junior World Winner `20
Nala von Schloss Ulmenhain
* 13.9.2008
Honorable Adin Dom; shorthaired vizsla but GSP in disguise; grand dame of the pack
Certified SAR mission dog (area search/bringsel indication) with the national organization of search and rescue dogs in Germany for more than 5 years -
now enjoying her retirement
BH/VT; APD-A; Working Test advanced class
3rd place/excellent
DCh, DVetCh
IntCh (C.I.B.) Nia Adin Dom
21.4.2012 -13.12.2020
DGStB 68532
PZP (VJP) 55
(without rabbit track),
JZP (HZP) 194, IKP1, AZP1a, VGP1 (308/ÜF),
UPKS (blood tracking) 1a, HN
HD A, ED 0
Form: excellent
many CACIBs and BOBs
Juna Adin Dom
18.11.2007 - 16.9.2019
PZP (VJP) 55
(without rabbit track),
JZP (HZP) 194,
UPKS (blood tracking exam) 2
Form: excellent
many CACIBs and BOBs
Irja Adin Dom
23.4.2006 - 26.7.2017
PZP (VJP) 53
(without rabbit track),
JZP (HZP) 188, SPP 1a
(field and water trial - all 4s),
UPKS (blood tracking exam) 1a,
VUP (VGP) 1a
Form: excellent
many CACIBs and BOBs